Thursday, March 27, 2008

Newfoundland in the Fog...

You can get every type of weather system in Newfoundland and Labrador within a span of 48 hours!  Which is precisely what happened during the past 79 kms.  Clear blue skies, then snow, followed by rain and fog.  Now back to blue skies as I type this from  the Tanker Inn, in Arnold's Cove.

DAY TWO- My body was not my best friend when I woke up to start the second day.  My right achilles was quite stiff and I spent the morning, face down in the toilet bowl. After some non-drowsy gravol and Advil (thanks to nurse Alex- who still refuses to deal with my falling off toe nails) it was time to hit the road.  After all, the show must go on!  I walked for the first 20 kms and ran the last 10 kms (Total, including lots of breaks, 6 hrs)

DAY THREE- Armed with my new running technique of 3 and 1's (3 minute run, 1 minute walk) I was able to run the 42 kms in just under 5 hours.  The run started in a snowstorm (1 cm/hr) and ended in fog on the Trans-Canada Highway.  Fortunately, the winds were from the SW (behind my left shoulder).  Thanks to Kixx Country 103.9 FM, in Carbonear, for telling their listeners to look out for me on the road, during their traffic report.

A special thank you to my accommodation hosts over the past few nights-  Winterholme Inn (St. John's) and the Brookdale Manor (Brigus).  For the next three nights the Run The Dream crew (my nutritionist/nurse/image consultant/time keeper/photographer/personal assistant/girlfriend, Alex, and my dad, the always- cheerful-even-after-a-total-of-5-hours-of-sleep-over-7- days, Bryan Howard) and I will be staying at the St. Jude's Hotel, in Clarenville.

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