So it has been quite a run through Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Elora, Fergus and Orangeville! Three events of note included our stop, Monday, at KidsAbility, in Waterloo, Tuesday, in Elora, and today, in Orangeville.
Firstly- KidsAbility, in Waterloo, has long been recognized as a major facility serving all the children with special needs and many of those include Autism. Special thanks to Jean Cojocariju, Preseident, Waterloo Chapter, Autism Ontario; Waterloo Councillor, Diane Freeman; Stephen Swatridge, Executive Director, KidsAbility; John McVicar, Catherine Craig and Luke Burrows for making the family BBQ loads of fun!
Lastly- This morning, Terry and I dodged the frequent rain storms of southern Ontario to make it to Orangeville Town Hall by 11am. Greeting us was Councillor Mary Rose and MPP Silvia Jones. All this this was organized by Michael Pallet, VP Dufferin Chapter, Autism Ontario. Another $1,000 was raised in an hour! Another very positive trend!
And, thank you to all for the 25th B-Day wishes...Best birthday yet!! The body still thinks it is 16-years old and so I'll let it keep thinking that until December!
The Dream Continues....And Rolls On....
1 comment:
It was a delight to host the Elora event and I have no doubt we'll hit, and even exceed, the $5000 number I mentioned. I continue to receive many positive comments, including a colleague, who also donated, saying:
Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your nephew. His charity endeavor is beyond my admiration. Not only he devoted unbelievable amount of physical strengh and will, but also was able to put this all together in such a young age.
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