Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wind at my back??.....

Past couple days have been full of surprises....including the light winds at my back....
Corner Brook, originally discovered and surveyed by James Cook (1767), is the second largest urban centre in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Yesterday, while running west along the Humber River, Marble Mountain (skiing), creeped up!  There is still snow on the slopes!  With distance still to be run the main challenge of the day was the 4 km hill on the outskirts of town.  It took about 25 minutes, but the view was amazing when I got to the top!
There are only four more exits and 175 kms left before Channel-Port Aux Basques (the ferry) after today's run!  I've learned now to expect the unexpected along this journey.  Today was no exception.  As I was running, and zoned into the road, a red pick-up truck slowed down and the driver yelled out "Howie!"  To my shocking amazement, there was Ian Jarvis, back from the McMaster University days!!  Ian used to live across the hall from Kevin Cassan, and I, in first year university (McKay Hall!).  Ian is now officer Ian Jarvis, RCMP, and has just started his4-year posting in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Way to go Ian!! 
Tomorrow is a day off so Kevin, Alex and I are off to Humber Valley United Church, Pasadena, to meet the congregation, then onto Gros Morne National Park, situated to the north of the running route.

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